Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Chandigarh, June 30- With the objective of ensuring availability of blood to Thalassemia and other needy patients during COVID crisis, Haryana Red Cross Society has bagged first position in the country by collecting 26,752 blood units.

The State branch of Red Cross Society on the appeal made by Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in collaboration with religious, social and voluntary organizations, had organized blood donation camps across the State to provide blood units during the COVID Pandemic.

Haryana Governor, Mr. Satydeo Narain Arya who is also the President, Haryana State Branch of Indian Red Cross Society shared this while presiding over the meeting of Managing Committee of these organizations held through video conferencing at Haryana Raj Bhawan here.

Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal, who is also the Vice- President of the Society, was also present on the occasion. Deputy Commissioners of Rewari, Charki Dadri, Faridabad, Rohtak, Yamunanagar and Kurukshetra were also present. While other Deputy Commissioners attended the programme through video conferencing. The Deputy Commissioners are the Chairman of District Units of Red Cross Society.

Appreciating the extraordinary work done by Haryana Branch of Indian Red Cross, Governor said, "During COVID-19 crisis, State branch of Red Cross Society played a pivotal role in collecting blood units to ensure that no one suffers due to shortage of blood. Besides this, masks, sanitizers and gloves were distributed to safeguard against Corona infection. People were also made aware about the precautions to be taken to combat Corona Pandemic.

Mr. Arya said that the Red Cross volunteers also ensured that every needy in the State got two square meals a day. He also lauded the role of Red Cross volunteers in mitigating human suffering and assisting in the progress of the community even during the COVID-19 crisis by distributing crore of dry and cooked ration packets. Shelters homes were set up to accommodate the migrant workers, he added.

"It is a matter of pride that dedicated efforts of State Government and State Branch of Red Cross Society have been recognized countrywide," Governor said.

He said that is our duty to help every needy person whether rich or poor. “I congratulate the Red Cross Society (Haryana) for making dedicated efforts to serve humanity even in this hour of crisis,” he asserted.

In his inaugural address, Chief Minister said that the sole purpose and work of Red Cross Society is to serve humanity. There are many people in the society who wish to make their valuable contribution to society by doing volunteer services, therefore all such people should be encouraged and be brought to the forefront.

He directed that more and more Jan Aushadhi Kendras should be opened through Red Cross Society in Haryana to provide medicines at reasonable rates to the common man. He further directed that Youth Red Cross activities should also be started in Private Universities. Besides this, the Junior Red Cross activities should be started at the school level. He directed the Deputy Commissioners to make an appeal to Panchayats to come forward and give their valuable contributions in the works being carried out by the Red Cross Society.

He said that in this hour of COVID-19 crisis, the State Government had made an appeal to the society to come forward and help the unprivileged. As a result of which around 1.90 lakh employees contributed in the Haryana Corona Relief Fund. He said that about 200 people donated their entire monthly salary. Even many Group-D employees donated their one month salary to the Haryana Corona Relief Fund. He shared that with the valuable contributions made by every section of society, including farmers and students till date around Rs. 248 crore has been donated to the Haryana Corona Relief Fund.

Chief Minister said that people associated with Red Cross Society must always remain at the forefront and make an appeal to the people to give their valuable contributions towards society.

Mr. D.R. Sharma, General Secretary, Haryana Red Cross Society apprised the Governor and Chief Minister that during a lockdown of COVID-19 Pandemic, Haryana Branch of the Indian Red Cross Society has designed its Special Relief Programme to help the needy persons.

It was informed that under the guidance of Governor and efficient leadership of Chief Minister, Haryana all the district branches were rendered tremendous services to serve humanity. It was informed that Haryana Red Cross had arranged 7809 volunteers, 1072 NGOs and 33 Ambulances for combating the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Governor was apprised that during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Indian Red Cross Society (Haryana) volunteers had distributed 14415020 food packets, 291103 dry rations, 659709 face masks, 20000 N95 Masks, 1,54,629 hand gloves, 68259 hand sanitizers, 2,50,000 strips of respiratory medicines, 50000 Vitamin - C tablets.

Besides this, 247500 packets of food supplements for the children, the shelter provided 10000 to 12000 migrant workers. About 26, 752 units of blood have also been collected through 560 Voluntary Blood Donation Camps from Voluntary Blood Donors during this lockdown period. Under campaigns campaign launched for social distancing 1792576 persons were made aware, 876892 persons have been motivated for health and hygiene, 41362 buildings have been sanitized by volunteers and 180000 leaflets have also been distributed up to the ends of the fourth Phase i.e. May 31, 2020. Besides this, special services were provided to senior citizens as they are more prone to the infection.

On this occasion, the Governor and Chief Minister also launched a booklet titled 'Role and Response of Haryana Red Cross' during COVID-19 Pandemic. A documentary prepared on the activities carried out by the Red Cross Society (Haryana) during COVID-19 Pandemic was also shown.

Secretary to Governor, Dr. G .Anupama, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Mr. Rajesh Khullar, Vice-Chairperson Haryana Red Cross Society, Mrs. Shushma Gupta, Treasurer, Mr. Akhilesh Kumar and other dignitaries were present on this occasion.