Friday, June 8, 2018

Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal, being honoured with a huge garland at village Dhand in district Kaithal on June 8, 2018.

Chandigarh, June 8 - The Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, has hinted that electricity rates would soon be reduced in the state, and that such consumers as do not have metres, would be given an opportunity to pay their power bills on the basis of the average of last one year. Penalty and interest on such consumers would also be waived off.

Addressing the people of Kaul village in Kaithal district after launching his direct contact programme today, the Chief Minister said consumers who had not paid their electricity bills would be given an opportunity to pay overtwo yearsin 12 installments. No penalty and interest would be levied on them.

This scheme is being introduced for those consumers whose electricity bills are pending for the last many years. It will take them out of the bracket of defaulters. In district Kaithal, power losses ranging from 20 per cent to 83 per cent are registered in villages only.

The state government has been successful in reducingthe power losses through the Mhara Gaon Jagmag Gaon scheme. Under this scheme, five districts of the state namely, Gurugram, Panchkula, Ambala, Sirsa and Faridabad, are being provided 24-hour electricity, he added.

Exhorting the people to encourage one and all to get valid electricity connections to help the state government reduce losses of the Power Department, the Chief Minister said when the present government took over the reins of the administration, the losses were a staggering 34 per cent which had now been reduced to 20 per cent.

Mr Manohar Lal said besides ensuring infrastructure development in the state, the state government was working for socio-economic development of the people. Various schemes are being implemented for increasing the income of people as a result of which the budget of the state government has reached Rs 1.15 lakh crore which, three years ago, was only Rs 61,000 crore.

On this occasion, the Chief Minister announced Rs 5 crore each for various development works in the villages of Kaul and Pabnawa under the Deenbandhu Gramin Yojana. A sum of Rs 3.5 crore for village Kaul and Rs 2.75 crore for village Pabnawa has already been approved for carrying out various development works.

He also accepted demands worth Rs 8.74 crore for development of village Dhand. Development works worth Rs 350 crore are in progress in the Pundri Assembly constituency. Kaithal-Kurukshetra and Kaithal-Karnal roads are being widened to 10 metres. Apart from this, an amount of Rs 5 crore has been approved for the development of Falgu Tirth (pilgrimage).

Coming down heavily on the previous governments in the state, the Chief Minister described these as the governments of transfer, recruitment and CLU. The present government has implemented a transparent transfer policy and the youth are being given jobs on the basis of merit.

Referring to the statement of former Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda, that he would not allow acquisition of even a single inch of farmers land, the Chief Minister said under the present government, land was being acquired only with farmers consent and, that too, for road projects only. During the last three years, not even a single inch of land has been acquired by the state government except for road related projects.

Referring to the public meeting held in village Chhattar in district Jind recently, he said as a result of the transparent recruitment policy of the state government30 youth of the village got employment. Contrary to this, under the previous governments, the youth had to sell land and ornaments to get government jobs.

Asking the people to help the state government in its endeavour to eradicate corruption, he said strict action was being taken against the employees found involved in corrupt practices, whereas the previous governments connived in playing the game of corruption.

He said in order to realize the mantra of Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas given by the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, free gas connections were being provided to the poor families in the state under the Ujawala Scheme.

MLA Pundri Prof. Dinesh Kaushik said under the leadership of the Chief Minister, development of all parts of the state was being ensured.

Chandigarh, June 8 : Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal through his tweet today, has asked for the relevant file of Sports Department to be shown to him andthe notification dated 30th April to be put on hold till further orders.

The Chief Minister through his tweet further said We are proud of the immense contribution by our sportspersons I assure them of a just consideration of all issues affecting them.

Chandigarh, June 8 Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal said that under Special Public Contact Programme, he would directly interact with the people of every city and big villages of the state. So far, eight road shows have been conducted in cities which witnessed huge crowd. In view of that,Ek Nayi Shuruwat-Mukhya Mantri Se Sidhi Baatprogramme initiatedin four big villages Kaul, Dhand, Pai and Habri of Pundri Assembly Constituency today.

The Chief Minister was interacting with public representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutes in Kaithal today.

He said that the state government has initiated Special Public Contact Programme, which is being implemented in rural and urban areas in different stages. The Special Public Contact Programme in urban areas has received great response of people.

He said that big villages mean Mahagram, which have population of more than 10,000 people and he would visit such 50 village and have direct interaction with people. Under Mahagram Yojana, sewerage management of 126 villages is being done, so as to provide the people of villages with facilities at par with urban areas.

The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of construction of block office building at the cost of Rs 2.60 crore in village Dhand.

Those present included, Media Advisor to Chief Minsiter Mr Rajiv Jain, MLA Pundri, Mr Prof Dinesh Kaushik, Guhla MLA, Mr Kulwant Bazigar, BJP District President, Mr Ashok Gurjar Dhand and others.

Chandigarh, June 8- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, said that the work to prepareyellow cards for the poor and below poverty line families in the state would commence from July 1, 2018. In all, one lakh yellow cards would be distributed among such families.

Mr Manohar Lal was addressing a well attended public meeting in Anaj Mandi, Dhand in district Kaithal today. He said that being the Chief Minister of the state, it is his responsibility to maintain a direct dialogue with the people and in the same series, Mukhyamantri se Seedhi Baat programme has been started from Pundri assembly segment today. He said that under this programme, he would also interact with public representatives and besides redressing their grievances, suggestions would also be sought from them.

While maintaining a direct dialogue with the people, the Chief Minister said that people have seen many governments during the last 48 years and they all are well aware as what is right and what is wrong. But after witnessing this mammoth turnout in the public meeting today, he could very well say that the people have put their stamp on the works of the present state government done so far during thelast three and half years tenure.

He said that free gas connections are being provided to the families in the Stateunder the Ujawala scheme. The aim of the state government is to provide gas connection to every household so as to avoid any inconvenience to the mothers and sisters while cooking. He assured that those families who did not have gas connection would be provided the same within 48 hours. He directed Assistant Food and Supplies Officer Mr Neeraj Sharma to be present in village Dhand and provide gas connection to such families. He said that the present state government has so far issued three lakh gas connections of which two lakh connections have been issued to BPL families and one lakh to above poverty line families.

While referring to the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme launched by Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi from Panipat in Haryana, the Chief Minister said that the sex ratio in the state was 850 girls per 1000 boys in 2015 which has been increased to 915 girls per 1000 boys in 2018. He said that the state government has been successful in keeping a tab on corruption by way of implementing various online services. A target has been fixed to provide housing facility to all by the year 2022, he added.

The Chief Minister said that he has so far made 4800 announcements concerning various development works out of which work on 3300 announcements have been completed. The work on all announcements upto 2015-16 has been completed, he added.

While referring to various development works, he said that Jdaula-Begpur road have been constructed at a cost of Rs two crore. Similarly, the work on Gugamadi link road has been completed. He said that the work on water distribution system is in progress under which an amount of Rs two crore would be spent. He said that funds to the tune of Rs one crore to Rs four crore has been approved for villages namely Barot, Jajanpur and khedi sacra. A road would be constructed at a cost of Rs 82 lakh. Apart from this, a veterinary hospital has been approved in Rasulpur at a cost of Rs 62 lakh.

On this occasion, he appealed the people to save water and check the overflowing of water by using tap.

MLA Pundri, Prof Dinesh Kaushik also spoke on this occasion.

Chandigarh, June 8-Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal today urged the people to remain vigilant from the opposition leaders who may try to mislead them through cycle rally, jail bharo andolan andrath yatra.

The Chief Minister was interacting with representatives of people of Village Pai and Habri in district Kaithal today.

While maintaining a direct dialogue with the farmers, the Chief Minister said that Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi would soon announce Minimum Support Price (MSP) 1.5 times of the production cost as per the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission .

He said that in order to address the problem of overflowing of water ponds in different villages, the State Government has set up a Pond Management Authority under which the excess water flowing from the ponds would be utilized

for the purpose of irrigation.

While stressing the need of water conservation, the Chief Minister said that we have to make collective efforts in this direction. He said that there is also a need to check the wastage of water in rural areas.He said that sewerage facilities would be made available in Mahagrams having population over 10,000. In the first phase, 16 such villages have been included under the scheme. 126 villages of the State have been identified underMahagram scheme, he added.