Thursday, July 19, 2018
  • Chandigarh, July 19--The Haryana Government has decided to launch Identified Crime Scheme under which state and district level committees will be constituted to identify heinous and sensational crimes, and appropriate measures will be taken so that such cases are given priority and disposed of expeditiously.
  • Stating this here today, an official spokesman said the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, had given approval for the launch of the scheme. 
  • The district level committees headed by deputy commissioner concerned would meet on first Tuesday of every month, identify heinous and sensational crimes, if any, during the month and submit recommendations to the state level committee, which would decide on their inclusion in Identified Crimes.
  • He said the State Level Committee headed by Additional Chief Secretary would review the progress made in various cases and identify the bottlenecks in investigation or trial for taking corrective measures.
  • It would also review the number of cases reported from different districts and take up these with districts, if the number of the cases reported by the district under the scheme is insufficient or the committee believes that there is crime which qualifies to be covered under the scheme, but the district concerned has failed to identify and report the same.
  • The committee would meet on third Tuesday of every month and bring the latest progress report on the identified cases for review and further necessary action.
  • The spokesman said heinous and sensational crimes created a deep impact on the psyche of the society, and, therefore, required close monitoring for meeting the ends of justice. Crime control is an extremely important aspect of good governance and brings a sense of security among the citizens.
  • The Haryana Government is making strenuous efforts to rein in heinous and sensational crimes like dacoity, murder, terrorist activities, rape, gang rape, rape of small girls, kidnapping etc. The scheme requires commitment at all levels, particularly at the highest level, he added.
  • The members of district level committees headed by Deputy Commissioner would be superintendent of police or commissioner of police, district attorney, superintendent or deputy superintendent of jail of the respective districts. Members of the State level Committee headed by Additional Chief Secretary would be Director General Police (CID), Director FSL, District Attorney, and Legal Remembrancer.