Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Chandigarh, July 12 - Haryana Chief Minister, Sh Manohar Lal urged the Indian Oil Panipat Refinery and Petrochemical Complex to contribute in the relief and rescue operations in the districts which have suffered losses due to heavy rains in the State during the past few days. 239 villages have been affected due to rains and in these villages the Government is carrying out relief and rescue works at every level, he added.

Sh Manohar Lal was speaking as the chief guest on the occasion of silver jubilee celebrations of Indian Oil Panipat Refinery and Petrochemical Complex, in Panipat today. The Union Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Sh Rameshwar Teli was also present on this occasion.

Sh Manohar Lal said that with the setting up of Indian Oil Panipat Refinery and Petrochemical Complex in the year 1998, Haryana has got a new identity on the world map in the refinery industry. At the time of inception, it had a refining capacity of 6 million metric tonnes, which has now increased to 15 million metric tonnes. Indian Oil plans to increase the refinery capacity to 25 million tonnes in the coming years and on this, an amount of Rs 35 thousand crore would  be incurred. While assuring all support and cooperation of the State Government for this expansion, he said that talks have been held with the panchayats of three villages Pal Jatan, Khandwa and Aasan Kalan around the refinery and they offered to give about 350 acres of panchayat land to Indian Oil for this purpose.

Handheld X-ray machines will be distributed by Panipat Refinery in 22 districts of the State for TB screening

As part of Prime Minister, Sh Narendra Modi's commitment to make India TB free by 2025, Panipat Refinery has taken an initiative to distribute Handheld X-ray machines in 22 districts of Haryana to make this campaign a success.  On this occasion, Chairman, IOCL, Shrikant Madhav Vaidya, symbolically presented a machine to Chief Minister, Sh Manohar Lal.

While lauding the efforts of Panipat Refinery, Sh Manohar Lal said that the Refinery has been organizing health check-up camps for all sections of the society. Recently, CBNAAT machines have been provided to the Civil Hospitals of Samalkha and Panipat, which have immensely benefited the patients. Taking this initiative forward, today Indian Oil has made X-ray machines available in 22 districts of Haryana, which is commendable work. With this, detection of TB at the initial stage would become possible and the patients would get treatment at the earliest. 

Chief Minister inaugurated various projects

         On this occasion, the Chief Minister inaugurated the “Indian Oil Refinery Vanasthali''. To make Panipat greener and cleaner, more than 40 thousand saplings would be planted on 12 acres of land by the Refinery at an estimated cost of Rs 441 lakh. Besides this, the Chief Minister also inaugurated the SIP-3 Karyaklap at Brahma Sarovar by Indian Oil under the Swachh Iconic Places initiative launched by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation at 100 heritage tourist places of spiritual and cultural importance across the country. Several works would be carried out by Indian Oil for the cleanliness and beautification of this religious place, which would benefit about one crore tourists visiting this holy pilgrimage every year.

The Chief Minister said that a green hydrogen plant with an annual capacity of 7,000 metric tonnes is also being set up by the Refinery at Panipat. In addition, the refinery has created an infrastructure capable of filling 1000 medical grade oxygen cylinders daily.

He said that the Silver Jubilee is an important occasion for any undertaking or institution. It is an occasion when we look at past achievements and plan for the future. He said that an investment of about  60,000 crore rupees would be made in upcoming and ongoing projects in the coming years. It would also benefit the people of Haryana in a big way, he added.

Sh Manohar Lal said that with the technological development in the last 25 years, today Panipat refinery has become the largest integrated refinery and petrochemical plant in India and the third largest in South Asia. This refinery has ushered in a new era of industrial development in Haryana, he said, adding that immense employment opportunities have been made available to the youth of Haryana as well as neighbouring states.  He  said that this complex is the biggest industrial unit of Haryana, which contributes a lot to the State revenue.

World's first Refinery off- Gas based 3G Ethanol Plant set up at Panipat Refinery

The Chief Minister said that the Prime Minister, Sh Narendra Modi is of the view that in the 21st century, the availability of energy is the key to the country's progress. Therefore, along with the traditional sources of energy, new sources of energy would also have to be developed in the country. To ensure this, Prime Minister, Sh Narendra Modi inaugurated the 2G ethanol plant on August 10, 2022, to promote bio-fuel. The establishment of this plant would not  only  help getting rid of the problem of burning stubble in the fields but the farmers would also earn more income. It would benefit the paddy producing farmers of Panipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Kaithal. After 2G, now 3G plant has also been installed in this refinery, which would be the world's first refinery off-gas based 3G ethanol plant. The establishment of this plant would help in reducing pollution and global warming caused by stubble burning in Delhi and some states of North India.

Chief Minister urged the farmers not to burn stubble instead earn more money by selling it

The Chief Minister urged the farmers not to burn stubble in the fields instead earn more money by selling it  in ethanol plants. Now, the stubble would be disposed of without burning and this way the contribution of farmers in protecting the environment would also increase. He said that with a view to encourage the farmers not to burn stubble, the State Government has started various schemes to incentivise the farmers. Under this, the government is giving assistance up to Rs 2500 per acre for the purchase of stubble.

He also appreciated the unique initiative of utilizing the waste plastic by the Indian Oil in which PET bottles are recycled. The Prime Minister has worn an unbottled jacket. The specialty of this jacket is that it has been made by recycling PET bottles by Indian Oil.

Unmatched contribution of Panipat Refinery in the development story of Haryana and the country

Sh Manohar Lal said that Panipat Refinery is one of the 11 refineries of Indian Oil, India's largest oil and gas-based PSU. Indian Oil Group refines about one-third of the oil refining in the country. It has 34,000 fuel stations across the country. These constitute almost half of the country's fuel retail marketing infrastructure. In the industry sector of India, the oil and gas industry is playing a major role in making the country a major economic power.

Panipat Refinery has done various social development works in Haryana

The Chief Minister said that in keeping with the spirit of giving back to the society, Panipat Refinery and Petrochemical Complex (PRPC) fully adheres to the 'Nation First' statement of Indian Oil. It has done a lot of work in social development for Panipat and Haryana. Over the years, the Refinery has done commendable works under Corporate Social Responsibility like building toilets in schools and nearby villages, providing solar LED lights with poles and battery backup, 5 kW solar plants at public places, distribution of battery-operated cycles to Divyangs, distribution of computers and setting up of laboratories in schools.

Haryana is making a significant contribution in the growth story of the country under the able leadership of Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal - Rameshwar Teli

Speaking on this occasion, Union Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Sh Rameshwar Teli said that under the able leadership of Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal,  Haryana is making a significant contribution in the growth story of the country.  Haryana is not only a glorious and sacred land, but it is also known for economic prosperity, patriotism, progress and development, he added.

He said that India is the fastest growing nation among the major economies of the world. Recently, India has become the fifth largest economy in the world leaving Britain (UK) behind. He said that the petroleum and petrochemical sector is playing a pivotal role in the country's economic progress. Panipat Refinery is going to increase its capacity which would reduce the country's import in terms of energy consumption, thereby saving foreign exchange.

He said that Indian Oil Panipat Refinery is going to set up a green hydrogen plant of 7000 tonnes capacity with an investment of Rs 60 thousand crore. These mega projects would speed up the economic development not only of Haryana but of the country. Wherever such complexes are set up, many opportunities for development arise in the surrounding areas. This also helps in providing large scale employment opportunities. The Minister said that he is sure that the way the people of Haryana have continuously contributed in the development of Indian Oil Panipat Refinery, in the same way they would continue to contribute in making India, a self-reliant country.

On this occasion, MP Sh Sanjay Bhatia, Rajya Sabha MP Sh Krishan Lal Panwar, MLA namely Sh Pramod Kumar Vij and  Sh Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman, Indian Oil Sh Shrikant Madhav Vaidya and other dignitaries were also present.