Chandigarh, November 14 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, while inviting the people of the state and devotees from all spheres to the International Gita Mahotsav-2022 said that the faith of people is linked with this grand Mahotsav of Gita.
While addressing a press conference here today, he said that compared to previous years this time the participation of people nationally and internationally will be bigger. For this reason, several big and small social organizations are organizing different spiritual programmes during IGM-2022, added the Chief Minister.
He said that as compared to previous years when the government had started the IGM-2022, gradually the grand festival has now gained momentum not only nationally but internationally and public participation is constantly increasing for this.
"IGM-2022 is an event related to society, which awakens humanity morally, and culturally but has also spread social consciousness among the people," added Sh. Manohar Lal.
Six museum is being built in Jyotisar at a cost of about 250 crores
The Chief Minister said that Kurukshetra will become a center of attraction for national and international tourists. 'Gita Sthali' Kurukshetra is a confluence of faith and tourism. Recently, Lord Krishna's Virat Swaroop was unveiled in the holy pilgrimage Jyotisar. Soon a 3-D projection mapping show will also be seen here. Its work has almost been completed. The show will be inaugurated in the coming days", added Sh. Manohar Lal.
He further informed that six museum is also being built here at a cost of around Rs. 250 crores, where episodes related to Mahabharata and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita will be shown virtually. For this, state-of-the-art technology like Augmented Reality, Holographic Images, Robotic and Drone etc. will be used.
Member Secretary, Kurukshetra Development Board, Sh. Vijay Singh Dahiya, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General, Information, Public Relations and Languages Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal and other officers also remained present on this occasion.