Chandigarh, November 12 - Haryana Chief Minister speaking at the Bar Council National Legal Seminar-2022 organized at Panjab University, Chandigarh, called upon the young lawyers to work with honesty and integrity for the betterment of society. Young lawyers should practice honesty so as to ensure justice for the needy, said Sh. Manohar Lal.
Sh. Manohar Lal who attended the seminar titled "Young Lawyers: Transcending Legal Barriers" organized by the Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana as Chief Guest said that from time immemorial till today, society has had faith in the judicial system because they know that if something wrong happens to them, they will definitely get justice from the judicial system. So the role of judges and lawyers is become very significant in delivering justice.
Sh. Justice Krishna Murari, Judge Supreme Court of India, Sh. Justice Ravi Shanker Jha, Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Ld Advocate General, Haryana, Sh. Baldev Raj Mahajan, Chairman Bar Council, Sh. Suvir Sidhu, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Prof. Raj Kumar, other judges and members of the Bar Council also attended the seminar.
“Legislature, The Executive and the Judiciary are three main pillars of democracy. Legislature is responsible for making laws. The political representatives elected by the people make the laws as the legislature. Ensuring justice for every needy is the utmost priority of any legislature. Similarly, the role of the judiciary is to check and curb violations. It is because of these 3 pillars that the judicial system remains strong,” said Sh. Manohar Lal.
Young lawyers should find quick solutions even after statutory changes
The Chief Minister said that since time immemorial kings and emperors have maintained the tradition of delivering justice. This system, which has been going on since then, is continuing till the 21st century. Over time, there has been a change in the systems and legal procedures. Despite these statutory changes, young lawyers will have to find a way to quickly finds solutions to the problems faced by the common man, asserted Sh. Manohar Lal.
He said that it is said that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. That's why young lawyers will have to work tirelessly to get ensured speedy delivery of justice despite the statutory changes happening from time to time, added Sh. Manohar Lal.
The Haryana government worked to abolish irrelevant laws
The Chief Minister said that while new laws are being introduced for the betterment of society and the country, work is also being done to abolish the laws which have become irrelevant. The Central Government has abolished many such old and irrelevant laws. Working in this direction, the Haryana Government has also formed a Law Commission and based on its recommendations more than 12 irrelevant laws have been abolished in Haryana.
Judiciary's emphasis on promoting regional languages is a commendable work
While assuring the judges and Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana High Court, the Chief Minister said that the government is always ready for any kind of cooperation required from them. He said that the step taken by the judiciary to give emphasis on regional languages is commendable. Every state has its own language and if the proceedings and orders of the courts are translated into that language, the public will certainly be benefited from this, asserted Sh. Manohar Lal.
He shared that he had also requested the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that in Punjab and Haryana High Court the people of Haryana would get the translation of the orders and proceedings of the court in Hindi and the people of Punjab would get the translation in Punjabi so that the people of both the states will get benefit. Steps are also being taken by the court in this direction which is a commendable step.