Chandigarh, October 29 – Haryana Chief Minister while interacting with the media persons after attending a programme in Rohtak today said that special focus has been laid on chalking out a three ‘C’ strategy to uproot Corruption, Caste and Crime to provide clean and transparent administration to the people of the State.
“Because of these radical changes brought by us the welfare of every section of the society is being ensured,” added Sh. Manohar Lal.
Responding to a question regarding the role of the opposition, the Chief Minister said that the role of the opposition today has been limited to holding protests only.
They will never praise the public welfare work done by our government. Instead of opposing just for sake of protest, the Opposition should do constructive criticism, said Sh. Manohar Lal.
Taking a jibe at the 10-year tenure of the Congress, the Chief Minister said that all the infamous practices of previous state government has been completely eradicated.
He said that following the motto of Haryana Ek - Haryanvi Ek, emphasis has also been given on promoting 5S — Shiksha, Swasthaya, Suraksha, Swabhiman and Swavlambhan so as to ensure holistic development of Haryana.
Today the people of the state are happy with our work. The future of the youth of Haryana is bright. Be it education, skill development or sports, the state government is making continuous efforts to provide ample opportunities to the state youth in every field, added Sh. Manohar Lal.
Responding to a question regarding the Adampur by-election the Chief Minister said that campaigning for the party candidate is being done. Apart from this, a Samvad programme with the youth of Adampur will be organized on Saturday. Thousands of youth are expected to participate in this programme. Through this programme, information about the aspirations of the youth will be shared, as well as the blueprint of the state government for the youth will also be shared.
Responding to another question regarding the strike of the Safai Karamcharis, the Chief Minister said that several rounds of talks have already taken place. Even today talks are going on between the senior officers and safai karamcharis and their unions, surely a solution will be found in today's meeting.