Chandigarh, October 28 - Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while speaking during the second day of the ongoing Chintan Shivir being held in Surajkund said that Central Government should issue directions to the financial institutions for immediate blocking of bank accounts during the holidays in case, cyber crime is reported on those days.
He said that sometimes when any person reports cyber crime, immediate action is not done because of weekends or public holidays, therefore to keep a check on such crimes, the banking system should remain active round the clock throughout the entire week.
At present, the victims have to suffer financial losses because of the non-blocking of bank accounts in spite of getting timely information during holidays, said Sh. Manohar Lal while sharing his views on the topic of cybercrime discussed during the first session of the ongoing two-day Chintan Shivir.
Meanwhile, the second day of Chintan Shivir started with the address of Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi through video conference. A two-day 'Chintan Shivir' is being held under the chairmanship of the Union Home Minister at Surajkund. Governors, Chief Ministers, Home Ministers, Director General of Police and other delegates of the various States are participating in important discussions on law and order and internal security of the country. After the Prime Minister's address, the topic of cybercrime was discussed in the first session of the Shivir.
Later in his address, Sh. Manohar Lal said that in the era of information technology, the cases of cyber crimes have also increased. Moving ahead in this direction, cyber desks have been set up in every police station. As many as 29 new cyber police stations are being opened across the State. Besides this, we are also running several awareness camps to make people aware of cyber crimes through helpline number 1930 and portal, shared the Chief Minister.
He further shared that about 46,000 complaints related to cybercrime have been received in the state, in which 22,000 cases have been resolved and justice has been delivered to the victims while taking strict action against the criminals. The Chief Minister also demanded to expand the scope of investigation of complaints in cyber crimes by amending Section 70 of the IT Act.
He further informed that 10 centres have been opened in the state for the Central Police Forces and work is in progress to set up three new centres. The State Government is also ready to provide land for setting up additional training or group centres for central police forces, shared Sh. Manohar Lal.
Divulging the details about the police Modernization Fund, the Chief Minister shared that the Haryana Government has made full use of this fund and with time, the State should be included in the ‘A category state’ for the fund for additional resources. Along with this, the Centre should also give a special package for the modernization of the Haryana Police and necessary resources, demanded Sh. Manohar Lal.
He said that the security agency in the state is constantly working to keep a check on drug smuggling. Commendable work has been done in collaboration with other adjoining states to stop smuggling through neighbouring countries. Along with putting the criminals involved in drug smuggling behind the bars, the work of punishing them financially is also being done. The CCTNS project has also been implemented in Haryana. Now a multilingual mobile app will also be ready for this, shared the Chief Minister.
He further shared that to prevent crimes against women, 33 new police stations and 239 help desks have been set up at the sub-division levels in the state. Free legal aid is also being provided to women. Along with this, the women's helpline has also been integrated with Dial-112, added Sh. Manohar Lal.
The dignitaries present there carefully listened to the address of the Chief Minister and praised the commendable work done in Haryana.