Chandigarh, September 14 – Haryana Chief Minister extended warm wishes on the occasion of ‘Hindi Diwas’ today and said that Hindi is one of the most popular language not only in India but across the world. Hindi as a language also acts as a bridge between the people of India. It is the responsibility of all of us to propagate it and make maximum use of it.
In a message released on the occasion of Hindi Diwas, the Chief Minister said that the symbol of national consciousness and the country's most simple, easy-to-connect language, Hindi has an unparalleled contribution to the development of civilization. Sh. Manohar Lal further added that Hindi language is not only a means of expression of emotions and thoughts, but it also reminds us of our rich heritage. While extending best wishes on the occasion of ‘Hindi Diwas’ he urged everyone to work with unity for increasing the pride of ‘Hindi’ language which binds the nation in a common thread of harmony.
The Chief Minister urged the people of the state to take a pledge to progressively use Hindi language. He said that a country like 'India' which is full of diversity, Hindi language, acts as a symbol of national unity and an integral part of our identity and culture.