Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Chandigarh, December 1 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, said that the option of promoting the International Gita Mahotsava by arranging exhibitions at embassies of various countries will be explored. Apart from that, the possibility of holding International Gita Mahotsava in various State capitals would be also be mapped.

The Chief Minister said this while addressing a press conference today at Kurukshetra, the birthplace of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

The Chief Minister expressed his commitment towards cultural upliftment while interacting with press in front of a grand statue depicting Shri Krishna preaching the celestial message of Gita to Arjuna on the banks of Brahmasarovar. He added that the International Gita Mahotsav is now being celebrated Internationally. The most recent International Gita Mahotsava included scholars from 27-28 Nations. Additionally, the High Commissioners of six nations were present during the last International Gita Mahotsava.

He informed that Kurukshetra is being given a upliftment from a religious point of view. He told that the present government has constructed a grand statue in Kurukshetra depicting the vast form of Lord Krishna which is made from the amalgamation of soil from 574 districts of the country and according to 574 verses of Gita that came out from the divine voice of Lord Krishna.

In response to another question, the Chief Minister said that the Covid-19 protocols will be strictly followed in the International Gita Mahotsava. Thermal screening and vaccination will be done as per the requirement at various entrances of the venue.

Sh. Manohar Lal also informed that about Rs. 97 crore is being spent by the Central Government on development works in Kurukshetra under Phase One of Krishna Circuit. He also assured that there will be no shortage of funds for the development work in future.