Friday, May 21, 2021

Chandigarh, May 21 - Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that "Mera Paani -Meri Virasat" Scheme will be linked to "Meri Fasal - Mera Byora" so that the farmers get the benefit of incentive money without any delay. The Chief Minister was presiding over a review meeting of "Mera Paani - Meri Virasat" Scheme today. Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister of Haryana Sh. Jai Prakash Dalal was also present in the meeting.

The Chief Minister said that the Haryana Government will provide incentive money to farmers who conserve water. Farmers who sow other crops instead of paddy crops will be provided incentive money. This scheme was implemented last year, under which incentives were given at the rate of Rs 7,000 per acre to the farmers who sow alternative crops (which consume less water) instead of paddy. As a result, the farmers sowed other crops instead of paddy in 96,000 acres of land. Due to its success in the first year, Haryana Government has decided to encourage farmers under this Scheme this year as well. During the review of this Scheme, the officers of the Agriculture Department were instructed to impart education to the farmers with regard to water conservation so that water can be saved. The Chief Minister said that farmers will be provided incentives for sowing of horticulture, vegetables, fodder, groundnut, moong and other pulses, soyabean, guar etc. For the benefit of this Scheme, the farmers will have to give detailed information of crop being sowed per acre on Meri Fasal - Mera Byora and Mera Paani – Meri Virasat portal. After updating this information, the officer of the department will verify the details on time (within the stipulated time) and release the amount to the concerned or eligible beneficiary.

The Chief Minister instructed to ensure that there is no complaint with regard to incentive money in Mera Paani - Meri Virasat Scheme and for this applicant's completed details should be verified on time. He also instructed to link Meri Fasal – Mera Byora with the portal for smooth implementation of this Scheme.

The Chief Minister was apprised in the meeting that the state has been divided into four zones under crop diversification to make farmers aware about the initiatives of the government. In each zone, a senior officer has been charged to make the farmers aware.

“Kheti Khaali – Fir Bhi Khushali”

The Chief Minister said that our aim is to make the farmers prosperous and increase their income. Incentives under the Mera Paani - Meri Virasat Yojana will also be given to those farmers who will not sow any crop in their fields during paddy season.

On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary of Finance Department, Sh. T.V.S.N. Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department, Dr. Sumita Misra and Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V. Umashankar besides senior officers of Farmers' Welfare Department were also present.