Sunday, August 9, 2020

Chandigarh, August 9- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal launched the Anti-Bullying Campaign of Faridabad Police by unveiling Instagram, Facebook and Twitter page of Faridabad to flag the problem of bullying in home, neighbourhood, schools, colleges and workplace and implement targeted programs to counter the menace.

It is the aim of Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal to disrupt anti-social transactions that foster violent and predatory behaviour in society.

The campaign will particularly target teenagers, the segment worst-affected by the problem. Bullying destroys a victim's confidence, impairs their personality development, stunts their social intelligence and drives them to depression and a host of other diseases.

Under the campaign, people will be encouraged to follow Instagram, Facebook and Twitter page with username @FBDpolice. It will carry interactive posts to make people aware about the prevalence of bullying. Besides, it will also have a platform for victims of bullying where they can report bullies. Police will follow it up with counselling bullies with the help of NGOs working with youth-at-risk. Against the violent and incorrigible, police will take legal action under appropriate sections of law.

The initiative is a part of the ‘Teen Age Police’ programme of Faridabad police. The idea is to eliminate the scope of violence and intimidation at interpersonal and group relations at an early stage. The society has juvenile delinquents in substantive numbers. As per a conservative estimate, for every adult criminal, there are at least two juvenile delinquents who ultimately graduate into hardened criminals.

The Anti-Bullying Campaign is first in the series that will later cover other issues particularly baneful for teenagers like drugs, gambling and alcohol addiction, online frauds and human trafficking. Through the initiative, teenagers will be encouraged to develop social skills, empathy and a spirit of voluntary compliance to law so that they grow into productive adults.